Ministry of Environment, Gramsh Municipality and Statkraft plant trees in Gramsh
In the frame of the Afforestation Program for the Devoll Hydropower Project, the Minister of Environment, Gramsh Mayor and Statkraft’s Country Head planted trees at the premises of the Gramsh Waste Water Treatment Plant.
The implementation of the Devoll Hydropower Project has impacted existing forests in the project area. For the mitigation of this impact, as part of the Concession Agreement obligations, an intensive Afforestation program is under implementation by Statkraft. This program comprises the afforestation of more than 800 Ha of new forests in the project area.
Through the Afforestation program, in Banja HPP area have been afforested more than 270 Ha. Also, more than 540 Ha are underway to be afforested in the Moglicë HPP area.
In the frame of this activity, at the premises of the Gramsh Waste Water Treatment Plan were planted trees by the Ministry of Environment, Gramsh Municipality and Statkraft to mark the nearing of the completion of the implementation of this program for Banja HPP area.
The Gramsh Waste Water Treatment Plant is also established in the frame of the Devoll Hydropower Project. The construction of this environmental infrastructure was supported through an investment of approx. 1 million Euros by Statkraft through its Environmental and Social Management program in support to Gramsh Municipality. This infrastructure was established with the aim to improve the water quality of the Banjë HPP reservoir, considering that prior to the establishment of this infrastructure the sewage of the town of Gramsh was discharged directly in the Devoll River.