Statkraft, Ministry of Environment, Maliq Municipality and diplomatic corps representatives in Albania plant trees in Maliq
This activity was carried out in the frame of the Afforestation Program for the Devoll Hydropower Project, and the Albanian national tree days.
On 02.03.2019 Statkraft Albania, the Ministry of Environment, Maliq Municipality and representatives of the diplomatic corps in Tirana, planted fruit trees near the town of Maliq.
The implementation of the Devoll Hydropower Project has impacted existing forests in the project area. For the mitigation of this impact, as part of the Concession Agreement obligations, an intensive Afforestation Program is under implementation by Statkraft. This program comprises the afforestation of more than 850 Ha of new forests in the project area.
More than 20% of these new forests are planned and planted with fruit trees or medicinal aromatic plants in support to the local communities, through the so called “social forest” initiative.
The establishment of the social forest near the town of Maliq is aimed to be a supplementary support to the households resettled in the town of Maliq due to the implementation of Moglicë HPP.
For this purpose a presentation and meeting with the resettled households was carried out after the planting of the social forest nearby, in which these concrete results of the close cooperation between Statkraft and the Albanian authorities were praised and showcased as a model to follow by the Ministry, Municipality and diplomatic corps representatives.