In this page you can find planning documents, reports, publications, or information materials.
Annual Reports
DHP emphasizes transparent communication with all stakeholders. The information the company provides to its owner and other stakeholders shall provide enough details to permit an evaluation of the company’s underlying values and risk exposure. The Performance and Internal Governance Report has been prepared also in accordance with articles no. "17" and no. "19" of Law on Accounting and financial statements no. 25/2018, dated 10.05.2018.
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. - Annual Report 2023
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. - Annual Report 2022
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. - Annual Report 2021
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. - Annual Report 2020
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. - Annual Report 2019
Safety Documents
Summary of the internal Emergency Response Plan for Banja and Moglicë HPPs
Life, health and the environment are Statkraft’s highest priorities in the event of an emergency. We manage risk related to our activities and are prepared to handle emergencies.
Planning Documents
October 2013 - Environmental and Social Management Plan
Devoll Hydropower has developed an Environmental and Social Management Plan for the proper identification of project impacts, and the definition of mitigation and compensation of unavoidable impacts.
August 2011 - ESIA Draft Report - Executive Summary
Devoll Hydropower has engaged independent consultants to conduct and carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). This assessment is done respecting of Albanian legislation (Law 8990, date 23.01.2003, as amended) and international standards.
Information materials
Grievance Redress Mechanism
Information Leaflet on Grievance Redress Mechanism established in the Devoll Hydropower Project.